appropriate me should be allowed between pressing the Integrate bu3on and the start of the first
flash. Failure to do so will cause part of the flash to be included in the zero.
The gray window is the profile display graph. Press the profile bu3on (it turns black when toggled on)
and apply a pulse of light to the sensor. Note: For rapid pulses, due to analog “front-end” signal
processing, the profile is not representa ve of the actual pulse shape. For such signals, the rise and
decay (more pronounced) will appear slower than the actual flash of light.
The y axis of the Profile shows the peak and the X axis shows the me form start of the flash to
comple on of tes ng. The flash profile mechanism captures 5 msec of signal dura on.
Flash App Warnings:
Saturated: Saturated in display box
Saturated indicates the current generated (light level measured)
exceeds the measurement capabili es of the system. Increase the distance, add a3enua on filters, or
add an aperture to the sensor to allow measurement of stronger signals.
Low: Low in display box :
The signal is too small try switching to low light, or decrease the distance
between the source and sensor.
Time out looking for peak;
Time out warning above profile graph indicates that a measurable flash
was not detected within approx 5 seconds of pressing profile, or the light source may not rise fast
enough to register. Press profile again and apply light within 5 seconds. If no graph is displayed, try an
integra on. Is the pulse count accurately coun ng the amount of flashes? If not, the light source may
not rise fast enough to register as a pulse and only integra ons can be measured.
21. Spectrum: The ILT2500 can func on as a spectrometer when used with the
MEMS880 mini spectrometer head (Not yet released )
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