22. Beacon:
The App was created for tes ng pulsed light sources such as
beacons, op cal warning systems(as specified by NFPA72 and
ANSI/UL1971), obstruc on ligh ng, emergency exit ligh ng,
airport ligh ng, and visual approach slope indicators (VASI).
The Beacon app frequency range is approximately 0.3Hz to
1.4Hz with a fixed 600 uSec per flash integra on me.
Set up: Use seLngs to apply the 5V bias to speed up the
response me of silicon sensors(SED100, SED033, SED270 and
XSD140/340 sensors). Verify the correct calibra on factor is
selected if mul ple calibra on factors are available.
Beacon Display
The row above the display shows the units of display readout
and the channel of the calibra on factor that is being applied.
In the upper right of the display is the working range ie 1mA
The numerical readout of the display is in the units noted
above the display. The readout is supplied in scien fic
nota on as shown.
Below the display are the resolu on controls. The Le bu3on
.000 increases the number of digits shown in the numerical
display the right bu3on →.00 decreases the number of digits
# of strobes to count ^ v is a programmable value of how
many flashes to be measured.
Level selec on:
High Light level: (3 uA to 1 mA), Frequency .3-1.4 Hz
Low Light: (0 to 3 uA) Frequency .3-1.4 Hz
To determine your working range in light level (calibrated units ie W/cm2, lux...) take the current range
noted above and divide by the calibra on factor for your sensor combina on.
For example SED033/Y4/L30 with a cal. factor of 1.65e-4 fc at 8 feet
3uA equates to .018 eff. cd
1mA equates to 6 eff. cd
Taking a measurement;
Use the arrow bu3ons ^ v to select the number of flashes to be integrated.
Set your level to high or low. Click the start bu3on to begin a measurement. The system
automa cally determines the ambient/zero level during the measurement. The display will update
showing each flashes intensity during the tes ng. When complete, the large display window will show
the final flash intensity and the Per strobe data analysis will be displayed at the bo3om of the screen
and saved to the under files, Beacon_data.csv for downloading.
Timeout error:
You have approximately 5 second from the me you press start un l the first flash
must be measured. To clear a me out error, press start again.
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