S T A R G e n 2 R e c e i v e r U s e r ’ s G u i d e
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Remote control by SNMP
SNMP is the abbreviation for “Simple Network Management Protocol”. It is connected over the Monitor &
Control LAN connector at the rear of the unit. To have a list of all functions supported in this device, a MIB
file is available on request.
Remote control is based upon different types of messages: GET, SET, TRAPS, INFORMS etc. To
define further communication between the STAR and other SNMP devices/applications, a package with
MIB files is made available on request. Included in the MIB package is an application note describing all
available settings.
Please note that all SNMP connection related settings are available in the CONTROL/MGMT/IP and
The STAR supports SNMP v1 TRAPS, SNMP v2c TRAPS and SNMP v2c INFORMS.
STAR default community names are:
The community names are configurable in the CONTROL>MGMT>NOTIFICATION>DESTINATION
Note: None of the CONTROL>MGMT>IP settings are available on the SNMP tree, as each
setting would cause a re-boot. Set these parameters through the GUI and save as a page once