S T A R G e n 2 R e c e i v e r U s e r ’ s G u i d e
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If a playback is interrupted by a channel change, timed playlist, local activation of triggers on
a decoder, the playback shall stop and the live channel will take precedence.
How many playbacks can I add to a scheduled event?
For a time shifted event only 1 playback is allowed. For a Date and Time shifted event up to 5 playbacks can be
added. A warning is given if this number is exceeded.
How long does the recording and playback information stay on the receiver?
Playback and the associated recording status information remains on the Utility>Schedule>Report page of the
receiver for a period starting 7 days before the present and lasting for 7 days from today up to a maximum of
100 entries.
What happens to recordings over Daylight Savings Time changes and on a
leap year?
The recording last the entire demanded duration regardless of leap year and daylights savings time and
will playback for the exact period of time recorded (+/- 250ms).
The Warning LED is illuminated, what does this mean?
The Warning (Orange) LED illuminates for interrupted record and playback warning conditions:
Warning RECORDING conditions occur when:
Missing audio frames received greater than 1 second (i.e. no lock, RF
interference, no TS input)
The receiver is not powered at start time
Warning state occurs after power up
The receiver reboots during recording
Warning state occurs after power up
Warning PLAYBACK conditions occur when:
The decoder channel change occurs during playback
The receiver is not powered at start time
Warning state occurs after power up
The receiver reboots during recording
Warning state occurs after power up
When a recording or playback warning condition takes place:
A Warning log entry will be created
The Warning LED will be activated (if programmed)
The Warning LED remains on for the period of the recording or playback
The Alarm LED is showing, what does this mean?
The Alarm (Red) LED shows for interrupted record and playback alarm conditions:
Alarm RECORDING conditions occur when:
Recording channel does not exist at start time
No SD card available during recording (at start and during recording)
No more space is available on SD card.
Alarm PLAYBACK conditions occur when: