S T A R G e n 2 R e c e i v e r U s e r ’ s G u i d e
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Recording and Playback Reports
The status of recordings and playbacks can be explored under the UTILITY>Schedule>Reports tab. Up to 100
scheduled recordings and playbacks are shown
beginning 7 days prior to today’s date. The report can be
sorted on any column, and shows the status of each recording and playback as one of:
Recording Status
OK (recording complete, no alarms or warnings)
in progress (recording active without warning or alarm)
no status (recording has not started yet)
Playback Status
OK (playback complete, no alarms or warnings)
in progress (playback active without warning or alarm)
no status (playback has not started yet)
Click the individual status to open a detailed window for that event (see above) showing the Time into Recording
or Playback, Time left in Recording or Playback, the total Missed Audio and the 10 largest audio outages, their
time and duration.
The report page size can be selected and the selected page printed using the Print button. Multiple prints may
be required to print the complete report.