© 2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved
The Panasonic camera needs its own fully
charged battery to work. The battery slot can be
accessed from the bottom of the payload.
The SD card of the camera is inserted next to
the battery.
A separate charger for the Panasonic batteries
is supplied with the payload.
The FLIR Tau 2 640 camera is powered by the
Intel® Falcon™ 8+ UAV battery to save weight,
and does not need to be switched ON or OFF.
The micro SD card of the FLIR Tau is inserted at
the side of the camera, with the contacts of the
micro SD facing towards the camera lens.
Each time the Intel® Falcon™ 8+ UAV is switched
on, a new, subsequently numbered sub-folder
(FLIR0000, FLIR0001, FLIR0002...) is created on
the micro SD card. Up to 128 image files are
stored in one folder. If more than 128 images
are taken during one flight, a new sub-folder
will be created where the additional images are
stored. Before the camera can be used, the
black cap must be removed from the lens.
The images are stored in a proprietary file for-
mat .ARA. The 14-bit RAW output from the
camera is captured, which allows the displayed
temperature range to be set during post pro-
cessing. Using Thermal Editor (part of AscTec
Navigator), the RAW images can be displayed
and converted into a FLIR Tools-compatible
Radiometric JPEG file.
AscTec Navigator Software can be downloaded
from the download area:
A detailed manual of the software is available
Figure 2.18: Inspection Payload (continued)