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InnoMedia MTA8328-1 Administrative Guide
Line Diagnostics
GR909 Tests: triggering from the WEB Administrative Console
Figure 32.
GR909 Test
MTA8328-1 supports GR-909 test items which are based on a suite of standards based electrical tests.
Field Name
GR909 Line
Diagnostic Test
A suite of standards-based electrical tests
which detect physical problems with the
phone line.
This procedure tests for the hazardous
electromotive force (HEMF) and foreign
electromotive force (FEMF) between the TIP
and RING leads. It reports a failure if the
following limits are exceeded:
– Foreign DC HEMF limit = 135V.
– Foreign AC HEMF limit = 50Vrms.
– Foreign DC EMF limit = 6V.
– Foreign AC EMF limit = 10Vrms.
Once this test is initiated and if a
failure is detected, the test will
automatically run periodically, e.g., every 30
sec till the foreign voltage is removed.
Receiver Off-Hook
This procedure detects and reports a failure
if an off-hook telephone is present.
REN Test
This procedure measures REN (Ringer
Equivalence Number) loading by measuring
the load impedance at 20 Hz. An REN
loading of less than 0.175 REN or greater
than 3 REN is reported as a failure.
Resistive Faults
This procedure measures TIP to RING on-
hook DC resistance. A DC resistance less
than 150 k
is reported as a failure.
NOTE: If Receiver is Off-hook, the REN Test and the Resistive Faults Test will also show failures.