InisBofin Insert Boiler Multi-fuel Stove
Method 2
Central Heating
The plumbing of the stove must be
in accordance with all relevant
regulations and practices. The
system must include a gravity
circuit open to expansion (which
is usually used to heat the
domestic hot water tank) and a
feed and expansion tank. 28mm
diameter piping must be used in
all the gravity circuit piping
including to the domestic water
tank and the expansion pipe must
run as near as possible to
vertical up from the stove to the
open vent.
An unvalved heat sink radiator
must be used to dissipate heat in
the event of a pump failure where
the Domestic hot water tank is
hot. This radiator must be at
least 1kw in capacity.
If there isn’t a domestic water
tank in the system, an unvalved
heat sink radiator of a least
1.5kw must be provided.
The Domestic water tank must have
a capacity of at least 135 litres
and be an indirect type. Where
there is a heating system in place
for instance an oil fired boiler,
then a twin coiled indirect tank
must be fitted to facilitate the
two systems to prevent pitching
and boiler/stove control issues
Below are a number of possible
piping arrangements. These are not
working diagrams and are for
illustration purposes only.