Table 23.
Operating modes — chiller (continued)
Chiller Modes
At least one circuit on the chiller is currently running.
Maximum Capacity
The chiller is operating at its maximum capacity.
Capacity Control Softloading
The control is limiting the chiller loading due to capacity based softloading setpoints.
Unit is Building Ice
The chiller is building ice, and will terminate on the Ice Termination Setpoint based on the
Entering Evap Water Temperature sensor.
Running — Limit
At least one circuit on the chiller is currently running, but the operation of the chiller as a
whole is being actively limited by the controls. The sub modes that apply to the Running top
modes may also be displayed along with the following limit specific modes.
Demand Limit
The number of compressors allowed to operate is being limited to less than the available
number of compressors by either the BAS system, the front panel demand limit setpoint or
the external demand limit input.
Shutting Down
The chiller is still running but shutdown is imminent. The chiller is going through a
compressor run-unload.
Evaporator Water Pump Off Delay: MIN:SEC
The Evaporator pump is executing the pump off delay timer.
These submodes may be displayed in most of the top level chiller modes.
Hot Water Control
For water cooled the chiller is controlling to the leaving condenser water temperature. For a
reversible the reversing valve is in the heating position. This sub-mode is mutually exclusive
with the Chilled Water Control mode.
Chilled Water Control
For water cooled the chiller is controlling to the leaving evaporator water temperature. For a
reversible the reversing valve is in the cooling position. This sub-mode is mutually exclusive
with the Hot Water Control mode
Manual Evaporator Pump Override
The evaporator water pump relay is on due to a manual command.
Diagnostic Evap Pump Override
The evaporator water pump relay is on due to a diagnostic.
Manual Compressor Control Signal
Chiller capacity control is being controlled by AdaptiView.
Evaporator Antifreeze Heater On
The evaporator antifreeze heater is commanded on.
Local Schedule Active – Event X
The Local Schedule is active, and has selected Event X ‘s values to control the chiller.
Noise Reduction Active
The Noise Reduction Request/Night Noise Setback feature has been activated. If the unit is
running, fans will be running at low speed.
Evaporator Water Pump X Locked Out
Evaporator Water Pump X has been locked out by manual override from TD7 or TechView.
Supplemental Heater On
At least one stage of supplemental heat is energized
Table 24.
Operating modes — circuit
Circuit Modes
The circuit is not running, and cannot run without intervention.
Diagnostic Shutdown – Manual Reset
The circuit has been shutdown on a latching diagnostic.
Front Panel Circuit Lockout
The circuit is manually locked out by the circuit lockout setting – the nonvolatile lockout
setting is accessible through AdaptiView
Run Inhibit
The given circuit is currently being inhibited from starting (and running), but may be allowed
to start if the inhibiting or diagnostic condition is cleared.
Diagnostic Shutdown – Auto Reset
The circuit has been shutdown on a diagnostic that may clear automatically.
No Compressors Available
Based on the configured compressor staging sequence, the circuit cannot run because
necessary compressors are being prevented from running.
Start Inhibited by Low Ambient Temp
The chiller is inhibited based on the outdoor air temperature. This is a Circuit Level Mode
when the chiller is in Hot Water Control with Supplemental Heat installed.