Stage1 Tab—Setup
Stage1 Delay Timer
this se ng sets the delay me in seconds before Stage1 starts a er Ac va on.
Valid range
0.000 to 10.000 in .001 second increments.
Note—If the RPM window feature is enabled and the engine
is not running the solenoids can be dry
red for tes ng. Once
an RPM signal is present the solenoids will only
re at the
desired RPM range.
Enable Stage1 RPM control
this se ng enables a RPM Window func on for Stage1.
Stage1 Minimum RPM
this se ng controls the minimum engine RPM that must be achieved before Stage1 will turn On. A se ng of
0 will disable the Minimum RPM func on and the Maximum RPM se ng will be used to turn o
Stage1 if the engine RPM exceeds the
se ng.
Valid range
0 to 15,900 RPM in 10 RPM Increments.
Stage1 Maximum RPM
this se ng controls the maximum engine RPM that Stage1 remains On. When the engine RPM exceeds this
se ng Stage1 will be turned O
. The Maximum RPM must be at least 100 RPM greater than the Minimum RPM se ng.
Valid range
1000 to 16,000 RPM in 10 RPM increments.
Synchronize Solenoid Pulse Frequency
All Solenoids use Stage1 Nitrous pulse frequency (hertz)
this se ng forces all solenoid outputs to operate at the Stage1 Nitrous Sole
noid Pulse Frequency se ng. The controls to adjust individual solenoid output frequencies will be disabled when this se ng is On.
Stage1 Synchronize Pulse Frequency
the Stage1 nitrous and fuel solenoids can be con
gured to func on at the nitrous solenoid fre
quency only (both Stage1 outputs synchronized). Or the Stage1 nitrous and fuel solenoid output frequencies may be set independent
if you choose to operate the nitrous and fuel solenoids at di
erent frequencies (hertz) you MUST insure that both sole
noids operate as desired in the delivery of nitrous and fuel to the engine!
Informa on
the solenoid pulse frequency (hertz) is how many mes per second the solenoids open and close when not at 0 or 100
percent opera on. Example
pulse frequency set to 10 hertz and 50 percent, the solenoids would open and close 10 mes per sec
ond. Total me for each pulse = 1 / 10 = .1 second, total me solenoid would be on = .1 * .50% = .05 second.
There are many di
erent styles of solenoids available and they will react di
erently to changes in the opera ng frequency. It is up to
the user to verify that the solenoids are opening properly with the se ngs used for opera on
As a general rule a lower frequency se ng will allow a solenoid to open properly when a high nitrous pressure is used and a low
star ng percentage. This is just a general rule, test your se ngs!