BOBCAT Hardware User’s Manual
Imperx, Inc.
Rev. 2.0.2
6421 Congress Ave.
Boca Raton, FL 33487
+1 (561) 989-0006
214 of 265
Normal – the imager has full resolution as determined by LVAL
and FVAL settings.
Center – only a portion or center of the image will be used. This
mode is camera dependent and is not available for all cameras.
This sets the camera H & V binning modes:
Horizontal – enables the horizontal binning – the image
horizontal resolution is reduced by a factor of 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x or
8x (1x – no binning).
Vertical Horizontal – enables the vertical binning – the image
vertical resolution is reduced by a factor of 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x or 8x
(1x – no binning).
Figure 5.16 – AOI window.
Master AOI:
Bobcat supports one Master AOI (MAOI). All other AOIs are slave
and they have to be positioned within the MAOI. This MAOI can be
enabled or disabled. When enabled, MAOI determined the current
image size. DVAL is HIGH within the selected area. The camera
frame rate is preserved or changed with “Keep Frame Rate”
selection. When enabled the camera frame rate is preserved
regardless of the AOI selection. When disabled, the frame rate is
determined by the selected vertical height settings. If other AOIs are
used, MAOI Must be enabled.
AOI #:
Bobcat supports up to six slave independent horizontal and vertical
regions of interest could be enabled. If slave AOIs is to be used