BOBCAT Hardware User’s Manual
Imperx, Inc.
Rev. 2.0.6
6421 Congress Ave.
Boca Raton, FL 33487
+1 (561) 989-0006
79 of 265
Master AOI (MAOI)
The MAOI can be set to preserve or to change the camera frame rate. When the user
wants to preserve the camera frame rate the MAOI settings will control only the
image H & V dimensions. When the user wants to take advantage of the reduced
vertical image size and increase the camera frame rate, the image maximum camera
speed will be determined by the V size of this MAOI. The image resolution will
reflect the MAOI H & V settings.
Slave AOIs
AOI1 to AOI6 are assigned as slave AOIs and they MUST be selected so they are
completely inside MAOI. All slave AOIs can be set independently with no
restrictions for overlapping and order – Figure 2.8. In addition, each AOI can be
included or excluded from the MAOI. In figure 2.8 AOI2 to AOI6 are included in
MAOI and AOI1 is excluded. The slave AOIs can be enabled in random order and
based on include/exclude selection can be inside each other.
Figure 2.8 – Slave AOIs.
Processing AOI (PAOI)
All AOIs are functionally equal except PAOI. PAOI can be enabled as LUT or
image processing Region of Interest (ROI). When enabled as LUT ROI, the LUT
function will apply only to the selected ROI, all data outside of the region will not be
processed with the LUT function. When enabled as processing ROI, the selected
processing function will apply only to the selected ROI, all data outside of the region
will not be processed with the selected function – Figure 2.9.