Hydraulic Hoses
There are seven hoses, that connect vibrator to the power unit. Two hydraulic hoses, 150 feet (45 m) in length,
connect the main circuit to the motors on the vibrator. Two additional smaller hoses connect the eccentric -
moment shift actuator, two more connect the clamp circuit. A hose is also provided for motor case drainage
return to the hydraulic reservoir.
Clamps and Accessories
A variety of clamps and accessories are available for ICE vibrators. Please consult the individual Vibrator Parts
Manual or the Vibrator Clamps & Accessories Parts Manual.
Zero Resonance vibratory driver/extractors eliminate vibration in the damaging range by adjusting eccentric
moment to zero during start-up and shut-down. The ZR vibratory driver/ extractors are designed to never
operate at a frequency range that could cause resonance vibration to the soil, structures or crane line.
Prior to start-up, the eccentric moment is set to zero.
During start-up, vibrator frequency passes through 600-1200 vpm with zero eccentric moment’eliminating
disturbance in the soil, structures or crane line.
After full operating frequency is reached, eccentric moment is set to maximum for driving and extracting.
Before shut-down, the eccentric moment is again set to zero.
During shut-down, vibrator frequency again passes through 600-1200 vpm with zero eccentric moment and
no disturbance in the soil, structures or crane line.
Eccentric moment is controlled from the vibrator remote-control pendant. Shifting between zero and maximum
eccentric moment occurs simply and quickly.
General Description of ZR Operation
Eccentrics 180° out of phase (top to bottom row)
Zero eccentric moment
out of phase