enience f
Parking Distance Warning
(Reverse/Forward) system
(if equipped)
[A] : Front sensor, [B] : Rear sensor
The Parking Distance Warning
(Reverse/Forward) system assists
the driver during movement of the
vehicle by chiming if any object is
sensed within the distance of 100 cm
(39 inches) in front and 120 cm (47
inches) behind the vehicle.
This system is a supplemental sys-
tem that senses objects within the
range and location of the sensors, it
cannot detect objects in other areas
where sensors are not installed.
Operation of the Parking
Distance Warning
(Reverse/Forward) system
Operating condition
• This system will activate when the
Parking Distance Warning (Reverse/
Forward) system button is pressed
with the engine running.
• The Parking Distance Warning
(Reverse/Forward) system button
turns on automatically and activates
the Parking Distance Warning
(Reverse/Forward) system when
you press the R(Reverse) button.
ALWAYS look around your vehi-
cle to make sure there are no
objects or obstacles before
moving the vehicle in any direc-
tion to prevent a collision.
Always pay close attention
when the vehicle is driven close
to objects, particularly pedestri-
ans, and especially children.
Be aware that some objects
may not be visible on the
screen or be detected by the
sensors, due to the objects
distance, size or material, all of
which can limit the effective-
ness of the sensor.
Front sensor
Rear sensor