Inappropriate tire pressure is a primary cause for
tire damage. Insufficient tire pressure will
damage internal carcass of tire. Repeated
excessive bending will damage or break the
carcass. Excessive pressure will also cause
premature damage of tire.
Recommended tire pressure (When tire is
Continuous operation will produce heat and
increase pressure on tire. But such phenomenon
was already taken into account when designing a
tire. Do not try to remove normally increased air
because tires may be crushed or overinflated.
The three major causes for excessive heat and
pressure of tire are insufficient pressure,
excessive load and overspeed. Avoid excessive
load and overspeed in order to keep tires in
good shape.
Do not inflate tires using flammable gases or
Do not inflate tires using flammable gases or
alcohol injector.
alcohol injector.
This cause explosion or personal injury.
This cause explosion or personal injury.
I n f l a t e t i r e s a t t h e p r e s s u r e l e v e l
I n f l a t e t i r e s a t t h e p r e s s u r e l e v e l
recommended by the manufacturer, and
recommended by the manufacturer, and
check periodically pressure and wear of tires.
check periodically pressure and wear of tires.
When replacing the inflated tire, do not stand
When replacing the inflated tire, do not stand
near the tire.
near the tire.
Check the tire when the tire is at normal
Check the tire when the tire is at normal
temperature and the truck is not loaded.
temperature and the truck is not loaded.
Too low pressure
Excess pressure
14.00-24, 32PR
10.2 kgf/cm
(142 psi)