Full Outdoor 2+0 XPIC IP Link
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Please note that resolution of the displayed data will be lower for older records and higher for the newest.
This time segmentation is 10 minutes, 1 minute and 1 second.
Online Graphs
The functionality is inherited from the Graphs page described above with automatic refresh every 10 sec-
onds with option to decrease the pooling period to 1 second. Please note that it can take up to 10 seconds
before the 1 second refresh is activated. Also note that every such refresh will cause zoom reset.
Maintenance Page
In order to preserve the configured and modified link parameters through power cycle (or device restart),
the new configuration must be saved first. The appropriate button for start-up configuration commit (W0)
WRITE is available on each GUI page. Red background of the WRITE button indicates that the running con-
figuration is not stored in the start-up memory yet. When the configuration is properly saved, it is possible
to copy the actual configuration also into optional memories (W1-W3). This operation saves actual settings
as alternative configuration for subsequent quick restoration of such configuration schemes with relevant
RUN W0 – RUN W3 button click.
Inbuilt terminal window for interacting with device’s CLI (Command Line Interface) directly from GUI.
For CLI usage description please see the Command Line Interface (CLI) section of this document.
This section associates device’s file management:
This frame allows to collect various device reports as a downloadable archives in order to provide such files
for off-site problem diagnostics and backup. The selected files can be collected by means of pressing the
GENERATE button which will result in appropriate number of downloadable files listed in the sub-section
AVAILABLE FILES. Please note that such files are erased during restart of the device.
Save Log – archive of various log files for debugging purposes with link configuration and condition
as plain text files
License Request – a binary file with current license status. This file is meant for extending license
expiration date
Save Config – a binary file with complete configuration of the device. This file can be used for back-
ing up the configuration or for transfer of such configuration into an another device. Please note that the
configuration transfer should be done only between devices with matching firmware versions. Also please
note that this file can not be read by the user.
The other sections on this page are intended for management of SSH certificates and keys.
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