Full Outdoor 2+0 XPIC IP Link
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Local and remote setting
The unit allows to alter configurable parameters using any of the available access methods with administra-
tive credentials. For purpose of this document we will be describing the WEB GUI interface but most of the
settings have also the appropriate CLI command alternative as well as SNMP OID. For terminal and SNMP
setting basics please refer to the Command Line Interface (CLI) and Simple Network Mangament Protocol
(SNMP) sections of this document respectively.
Altering local and remote settings
Each GUI section such as
, etc., contains multiple user-changeable form elements such as
IP Address
text fields. Values provided within such fields will take effect immediately after
confirmation by means of pressing of the button. The Apply
button colour indicates if
pressing of such button alters the current configuration – blue
button will alter the running
configuration while greyed out button will have no effect. Alongside of the Apply button the GUI offers the
button which will revert
any changes in the appropriate section to it’s originals. Only such
setting which has not
been yet confirmed will be reverted.
Some setting sections allows simultaneous configuration of both local and remote parameters. Example of
such section would be the
section which will allow local and remote setting of each RF
channel. Settings which belongs to the remote unit are indicated in an appropriate section header. The re-
mote settings will be automatically transferred over internal management PPP connection to the remote
unit. This feature requires active management channel communication over radio with the remote side as
well as correct IP settings of both sides. You can easily confirm if the management channel is active by look-
ing a T the WEB GUI header – if the remote side status indicator is not greyed out the remote management
channel works.
Storing the configuration and the configuration scope
The unit stores its configuration in a restart persistent memory banks referenced as ‘
’, ‘
’, ‘
and ‘fd’:
- the local unit start up configuration which is loaded during boot process
w2, w3
spare configuration slots for optional alternative configurations
– a special non-changeable slot containing the factory default configurations
Although most of configurations take effect immediately upon setting, the start up memory (w0) will not be
automatically updated. In order to make the setting restart-persistent such settings have to be committed
into the
memory by means of pressing the button. Note that
the button will indicate
pending unsaved changes by changing its colour to red.
Important notice: After pressing the Write button only the local unit settings are stored in the startup
memory!!! The remote unit settings configured within the local unit have to be manually committed in the
remote unit management.
For description of all possible settings please refer to Graphical User Interface (WEB GUI) section of this
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