Full Outdoor 2+0 XPIC IP Link
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Tag – Port is a member of edited VLAN as tagged.
List of VTU records (defined VLANs) in the ETH switch. The abbreviations in this list correspond to the first
letter of the port mode definition in VTU records.
ETH Advanced
This section makes it possible to configure extended QOS modes which are important for a specific traffic
prioritization. The system uses four priority queues for each port where frames, with an assigned initial
frame priority, an initial queue priority and an override queue priority, are mapped onto four output
queues according to QPRI settings. A final frame queue priority is derived from the assigned initial queue or
the override queue priority and it is used for deciding what queue will be used for frame buffering. The
queue with a higher number is egressed with higher priority than the queues with lower numbers. The as-
signed initial frame priority is then used for replacing of frame's PRI bits in 802.3ac VLAN tag section, when
the frame is egress tagged.
QOS Modes
weighted – In the weighted scheme an 8, 4, 2, 1 round robin weighting is applied to the four priori-
ties (8 frames from Q3, 4 frames from Q2, 2 frames from Q1 and 1 frame from Q0). This approach prevents
the lower priority frames from being starved out with only a slight delay to the higher priority frames.
strict 3xxx – Strict priority for queue 3 and weighted round robin for queues 2,1 and 0. Queues 2,1,0
are served only when Q3 is empty.
strict 32xx – Strict priority for queues 3,2 and weighted round robin for queues 1 and 0. Queues 1,0
are served only when Q3 and Q2 are empty.
strict 3210 – Strict priority for all queues. Lower priority queues are served only when higher priori-
ty queues are empty.
Priority policy – This drop-down menu defines the initial ingress queue policy. It defines the initial
rules for what output queue will be assigned to every ingress frame.
Port Priority – The configuration of default port priority. Value 0 up to 7 can be entered (0 is default
Priority Override – It offers the possibility to replace an initial queue priority with a new priority.
The new priority is assigned to each frame whose VLAN ID is defined in the VTU table with properly config-
ured QOS PRI value.
off – QOS override is disabled
vtu – Queue priority override information (OQPRI). When this parameter is set to off state, override
process is not active for appropriate VTU record, even though Priority override is enabled on the port.
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