Full Outdoor 2+0 XPIC IP Link
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This section provides historical data of the device condition. Sections enlisted under this page are inde-
pendent on the current alarm settings so all events will be recorded. The historic span of these infor-
mations depends on the link condition – a lot of events will cause quicker filling of these logs and sooner
overwriting of the oldest records.
Cnt&Sys&Alarm – Combination of Counter, System and Alarms log as described bellow
Counter Log – System counter events. When an error is detected or resolved this file is appended
by the actual link parameters in such moment
System Log – System events such as license action, radio configuration changes, etc.
Alarms Log – The alarm log
Commands Log – History of performed commands
Auth Log – Authentication history
SNMPd Log – Reports of the internal SNMP daemon
Radio Page
This section contains the most important radio and modem setting. It allows configuration of both local and
remote side parameters. Note that the remote settings feature requires an active radio connection to the
remote side in order to provision and apply the remote settings. Also note that you have to store any
changed setting separately in both local and remote side.
TX Frequency – Transmission frequency can be set within the displayed frequency range in accord-
ance with radio sub-band specification (read from the radio part). Such displayed range is the edge to edge
flat diplexer frequency scope and therefore respective Tx Frequency value within that scope must be in-
creased / decreased by one half of used modulation bandwidth if that is near these edges.
RX Frequency - Receive frequency is usually set automatically as the radio part operate with the
fixed T/R spacing.
T/R Spacing – TX / RX frequency distance is a real calculated value of this parameter.
TX Power Limit – Maximum transmission power parameter defines the maximum power level
which is required for optimal transmission conditions. The operating TxPower then depends on:
Configured ATPC values
radio part power limit which depends on the used RF band and selected modulation.
TX Power – The output RF power level that is actually transmitted of the radio part
TX Mute Config – Transmitter mute configuration. Two modes of this parameter can be selected.
Mute mode is selected for fixed radio mute configuration. Auto mute mode is a standard selection for this
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