Full Outdoor 2+0 XPIC IP Link
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This window provides the configuration options of the inbuilt SNMP server:
SNMP Enable – this check box enables the SNMP daemon in the device
SNMP Version – SNMP v2c or SNMP v3 can be used for SNMP access to device
SNMP Port – the parameter specifies which port will be used for SNMP communication. The same
configuration must be set also in SNMP agent station
Trap Port – the parameter specifies the destination port on which SNMP traps will be sent to. The
same configuration must be set also in SNMP agent station
Trap Address 1-3 – up to three IP addresses can be configured as destination for SNMP trap distri-
bution. Trap message events are configured in the same way as the alarm setting
These settings are required only for the SNMPv2 protocol. For SNMPv3 has no effect.
Community string – the parameter specifies community string for secure SNMP management ac-
cess (different setting for read only and read/write access can be entered, valid for SNMP v2). The number
of characters in the input field have to be in range from 1 to 15. Valid characters are [a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ ]
IP Address/Mask – up to three IP addresses or subnets can be configured as permitted IP source for
SNMP management access. Please note that the
parameter is not optional.
These settings are required only for the SNMPv3 protocol. For SNMPv2 has no effect.
User Name – user name configuration for secure SNMP access with SNMP v3 protocol (different
setting for read only and read/write access can be entered). The number of characters in the input field
have to be in range from 4 to 15. Valid characters are [a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ ]
Auth and Privacy Password – password configuration for secure SNMP access with SNMP v3 proto-
col, the identical password must be entered into Confirm Password box (different setting for read only and
read/write access can be entered). The number of characters in the input field have to be in range from 8
to 15. Valid characters are [a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ ]
Encryption – the encryption protocol for the SNMPv3
This section allows configuration of secondary IP address as well as optional FILE TRANSFER settings:
Secondary IP/Mask - it specifies secondary IP address for ETH0 management port. When default
secondary IP address is in collision with other network configuration it can be changed with this parameter
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