MultiSystem 5060
Operating Instructions Manual
© Hydrotechnik GmbH • All rights reserved
Rev. 1.8/120307EN
Page 52 of 55
Start the MultiXtend
After activating the power supply, the MultiXtend must be started. Oth-
erwise it cannot send signals.
1. Open the device menu.
2. Press
to open the setup menu.
3. Highlight the function „CANopen device“.
4. Press
After a loss of supply power or the measuring instrument has been
switched off, the MultiXtend must be started again.
Connection of external measuring devices
You may connect external measuring devices (e.g. Multimeters) to the
RS232 interface of the MultiSystem 5060 and assign the measuring
signals to a special channel. The measuring devices must support the
output data format “Voltcraft” or “Metex”.
Configuration in the channel menu
You can assign the output signal of the external device to any special
channel. Open the parameters of the desired channel in the channel
menu (see section 6.3.4 on page 22) and set the parameter “Calcula-
tion” to “RS232”.
Then you will have to select the output signal type of the device (“Volt-
craft VC 820”, “Metex”, or “Voltcraft VC 9x0”) and assign a name to
the channel. Press
to save the channel settings. Then you may
use this channel for display, recording and calculations as any other