MultiSystem 5060
Operating Instructions Manual
© Hydrotechnik GmbH • All rights reserved
Rev. 1.8/120307EN
Page 36 of 55
Display of the measured purity classes
This is an example how the measuring values from the particle
counter are displayed at the MS 5060. You may also enable the dis-
play of other channels together with these.
Load valve HySense
QL 326
You may use the MS 5060 to configure and read-out the electronically
controlled load valve HySense
QL 326. This is done with one func-
tion and one submenu. Highlight the item “Load valve” and
will be
occupied with the function CONFIG.
Configure the MS 5060
If you now press this key, the channels required to display the meas-
uring values coming from the load valve will be programmed appropri-
ately; the prior configuration of these channels will be overwritten
without further notice.
Configure load valve
Highlight “Load valve” in the submenu “Special Applications” and
. The first configuration page is displayed:
Operation mode
select the desired operation mode:
the valve follows the curve of a defined ramp
the valve follows a sine curve
the load valve is switched off
the valve is controlled with the keys
Measuring mode
select between:
ramp/sine is repeated until the stop command is
Single val.
ramp/sine is executed once
Operation mode “Ramp”
The load valve follows the curve of a ramp that can be defined with
four sections. The values shown in the screenshot result in this ramp:
Highlight the ramp values, press
and enter the desired values.
The volt values are entered as multiples of 10 mV and time values as
multiples of 10 ms. 500 results in 5.00 V or 5.00 s. Press
to con-
firm the entry.
Operation mode “Sine”
The load valve follows a sine curve that can be defined with three pa-
rameters. The values entered in the screenshot result in the shown