MultiSystem 5060
Operating Instructions Manual
© Hydrotechnik GmbH • All rights reserved
Rev. 1.8/120307EN
Page 31 of 55
6.6.14 Setup
Possible loss of data!
You can format the internal data cartridge in the setup menu. This
deletes all contained data and cannot be undone.
Here you can define some basic functions:
1. Open
2. Select
3. Confirm changes and leave function:
Use USB stick for firmware update
If an USB stick had been detected at the intrument, its name is dis-
played in the first line. Press
to read the data from the USB stick.
Then you may update the firmware:
1. Highlight the desired firmware version:
2. Select the desired firmware version:
3. Start the firmware update:
Please see section 7.6 on page 49 for more information.
Select storage medium
If an USB stick had been detected at the instrument, you may select
between the internal SD card and the stick as storage medium. High-
light the item “Storage medium” and press
to toggle between the
two media.
When recording measured values to the USB stick directly, it is not
possible to use triggers and only a minimum scan rate of 100 ms is
Format SD card
When the menu item "Storage medium" is highlighted and the SD card
is selected as storage medium, you can press
to format the inter-
nal SD card. Stored measured values will be lost, formatting cannot be
Function „Power-CAN“
Use this function to switch the power supply of connected CAN sen-
sors ON and OFF. Highlight the function with
and press
toggle between ON and OFF.
Function „CANopen device“
Here you can trigger the start command into the CAN bus that re-
quests the connected sensors and adaptor boxes to send data. High-
light the function and press
Function “CAN Tx Msg”
This function is now contained in the menu “Special Applications”. See
section 6.8.4 “Load valve” on page 36.
These functions are contained
due to compatibility reasons.
Please use the corresponding
functions in the submenu “Spe-
cial Applications”.