For immediate air bleeding, fill transmission’s
Center Case with new oil into the connector port in
Center Case through connector hole of transaxle’s
Lower Case while rotating Motor Shaft by hand via the
Brake Drum. (Refer to Fig. 47)
Adjusting Neutral
1. Complete air bleeding on the Transaxle.
2. Place the tractor’s rear axle on a jack stands with wheels
off the floor.
3. Remove necessary components from vehicle to access
(brass colored) Fulcrum on Transaxle for adjustment.
4. Start engine and adjust the throttle for high idle speed
(full throttle).
5. Turn the Fulcrum Shaft clockwise until the Axle Shafts
rotate in reverse.
6. Mark the top of the Fulcrum.
7. Turn the Fulcrum Shaft counterclockwise slowly un-
til the Axle Shafts stop rotating in reverse. Mark the
Transaxle Case.
(Fig. 51)
8. Turn the Fulcrum Shaft counterclockwise slowly until
the Axle Shafts rotate forward.
9. Turn the Fulcrum Shaft clockwise slowly until the Axle
Shaft stops and mark the Transaxle Case.
(Fig. 51)
10. Rotate mark on the Fulcrum clockwise to a position one
third (1/3) distance from the forward stop point.
(Fig. 51)
11. Hold the Fulcrum Shaft with a (8 mm) wrench, and
tighten the (17 mm) Lock Nut.
(Fig. 51)
Fig. 51, Neutral Adjustment 1
12. Confirm no rotation of the Axle Shaft in neutral by slow-
ly returning the Control Lever to neutral from forward
and reverse.
Post Assembly Procedures
1. Pour new SAE 10W30, Class CC or CD engine oil, approx.
2.5 L (2.65 qt.), into the Transaxle until oil level reaches
the top of the fill port.
K61E Only:
2. Place,–(Cap, Sleeve & Hose Clamp) over the fill port.
(Fig. 50)
Fig. 50, Oil Port Cap
3. During the warranty period, the serial number of the
Transaxle is required when applying for reimbursement
of appropriate repairs. Serial number is also beneficial
to the dealer in providing the proper parts for the series
transaxle being repaired. (See page ii for Serial Number
Purging Air from Hydrostate Oil Circuit
1. Check oil level.
2. Place vehicle’s drive axle on jack stands with wheels off
3. Start engine and operate at low idle.
4. Repeat opening and closing of bypass valve while alter-
nately depressing forward and reverse pedals.
5. When vehicle starts to move, increase engine speed to
high idle.
6. Repeat quick starts and panic stops until transaxle gives
full response.
7. Recheck and top-off oil level.