4. From the reverse side of the Upper Case, mount the
Brake Arm onto the Brake Shaft. The side of the Brake
Arm with the word “UP” should be visible; then, align
and secure with Roll Pin.
(Fig. 10)
Fig. 10, Brake Arm Assembly
5. Mount the Brake Arm “B” onto the Brake Arm “A”; then,
align and secure with Roll Pin.
(Fig. 11)
Fig. 11, Brake Arm “B” Assembly
6. Place the Upper Case back to the Service Position and
continue with the assembly of Transaxle
Brake Arm “A” Assembly
1. Install a new O-ring onto the Brake Arm.
(Fig. 8)
2. Attach the Brake Rod to the Brake Arm; then, to the
Brake Shaft.
(Fig. 8, 9)
Apply a light coating of grease to the surface
of the new O-ring and Bushing. Also, apply a small
amount of grease into mating hole of Upper Case.
Fig. 8, Brake Arm Assembly
3. Secure the Brake Rod to the Brake Shaft with a Washer
and Cotter Pin.
(Fig. 9)
Fig. 9, Brake Rod Assembly
With the Brake Linkage in place, seat the Brake
Shaft and the Brake Arm to their lowest position –
order for the Roll Pin and the Brake Arm to align
(Fig. 10),
the Return Spring must not hin-
der the full positioning of the Brake Shaft.
linkage for proper operation, adjust if necessary.