Version February 2018
HÜRNER CNC ECO 160 User’s Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
is suspended. After the problem condition is cleared, the download
resumes automatically.
If the product recognizes a problem that cannot be cleared
while data transfer is in progress, it does not resume the
transfer and displays an “Interrupted” error message.
5.3 Deleting Data in Memory
The report data in memory can be deleted only if all welding reports
were already downloaded. When the download is finished, a “Fin-
ished” message indicates this. At this point, unplugging the storage
media or pressing the START/SET key displays a “Delete Memory” mes-
sage. When the START/SET key is pressed here, a further confirmation
message “Delete Memory, sure?” is shown, which has to be confirmed
by pressing the START/SET key once again. Then, the report data in
memory is deleted.
For every data download, always be sure to wait until the
display shows the “Finished” message before you disconnect
the cable or media from the welding system. If you disconnect
it too early, the welding system may ask you whether you
want to delete the data in memory, although the reports were
not properly downloaded. Then if you delete the contents of
the data logging memory, the reports would be irrevocably
lost and would not have been saved elsewhere.
5.4 Keeping Data in Memory
When the storage media is unplugged, a “Delete Memory” message
is displayed. Press the STOP/RESEZ key to keep the current report data
in memory. They can then be downloaded once again.
Service and Repair
As the product is used in applications sensitive to safety considerations,
it may be serviced and repaired only on our premises or by partners
who were specifically trained and authorized by us. Thus, constantly
high standards of operation quality and safety are maintained.
Non-compliance with this provision will dispense the manu-
facturer from any warranty and liability claims for the product
and any consequential damage.
Service and Repair Contact
HÜRNER Schweisstechnik
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
Tel.: +49 (0)6401 9127 0
35325 Mücke, Germany
Fax: +49 (0)6401 9127 39
E-mail: [email protected]
We reserve the right to change technical specifications of
the product without prior notice.
A risk assessment under the provisions of the so-called machinery
directive 2006/42/EC was conducted for the machine by a qualified
person entitled to the performance of such an assessment.
Commission No.
Display 30
Select File Format
>DataWork File
PDF Short Report
PDF Long Report
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>Print All Reports
By Commission No.
Date Range
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