Version February 2018
HÜRNER CNC ECO 160 User’s Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
Prior to the bead build-up of a welding process for which the
Automode can be used, the machine asks whether the bead
build-up time of the previous welding operation should be
re-used. Confirm this only if the ambient conditions, too,
(temperature, weather/rain tent etc.) are sufficiently similar.
If the application of the automode build-up time is denied,
the operator will have to confirm successful bead build-up
If the welding parameters of the welding operation were
entered manually, the Automode is always disabled.
4.5.6 Heating Stage
The time for soaking heat in the heating stage is displayed as a
countdown showing the remaining seconds (see Display 21). A signal
is audible during the final 10 seconds of heat soaking, right before
the change-over stage. During the heating stage LED 3 flashes; LED 1
and LED 2 are lit.
During this stage, the pressure applied while the pipes soak heat,
and the heating element temperature are monitored and controlled.
4.5.7 Change-over Stage
After the full heating time, the carriage moves apart automatically.
The heating element has to be removed as fast as possible (see Dis-
play 22). On machines equipped with an optional automatic heating
element, it retracts automatically from in-between the pipes. During
the change-over stage LED 4 flashes; all previous LEDs are lit.
The machine then presses the pipes automatically together again.
4.5.8 Joining and Cooling Stage
In the joining stage the machine increases pressure in accordance with
the pressure ramp computed for the joint (see Display 23). During this
stage LED 5 flashes; all previous LEDs are lit.
When the full joining pressure is reached, the machine moves on to
the cooling stage (see Display 24). The cooling-down is represented
as a countdown of the remaining duration. During cooling, the join-
ing pressure applied in this stage is monitored. In the process, LED 6
flashes, all the previous LEDs are lit.
Some standard, e.g., DVS, require the joining pressure to be
the same throughout cooling (t
). Others have it that the
initial joining pressure (t
) must be reduced after some time
into cooling (t
). If such a standard was selected, the machine
takes care of the pressure reduction required by the standard.
In that stage LED 7 flashes, all the other LEDs are lit.
4.5.9 End of Welding
A beep signals the end of the cooling time. Furthermore, the green
LED is lit to indicate a successful welding process. Confirm the end of
230°C NOM. 16.5bar
229°C ACT. 14.5bar
Cooling time :1234s
230°C NOM. 16.5bar
229°C ACT. 16.5bar
Display 23
Display 24
Cooling time over
229°C ACT. 0.0bar
Display 25
Remove plate
Change-over : 8 s
230°C MAX 5.0bar
229°C ACT. 3.5bar
Display 22
Heat Soak Time :148s
230°C MAX 5.0bar
229°C ACT. 3.5bar
Display 21
requires that the automode was enabled in the Configu-
ration Menu. If the welder sees that the bead has fully
formed although the bead build-up countdown has not
completed ended, he can end the bead build-up stage
early by pressing the START/SET key. The responsibility
for the proper joint of the components resides with the
welder entirely.