Version February 2018
HÜRNER CNC ECO 160 User’s Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
Menu Item
Description / Possible Data
Pipe Length
if ON: the length of both pipes that are going to be welded has
to be entered before the welding;
if OFF: the length of the pipes cannot be entered.
Weather Conditions
if ON: the weather conditions in which the welding takes place
have to be selected in a list prior to welding;
if OFF: the weather conditions will not be entered.
Installing Company
— M —
In a sub-menu, the name of the company carrying out the
piping and installation work can be entered.
Print Tags
— M —
In a sub-menu, a completed welding operation can be selected
to print off once more to label tag belonging to it.
All data that are available in the chip of a transponder card
can be entered by placing the card in front of the card reader.
Optionally, if they are encoded in a bar code, they can be
read using a scanning pen or a handheld scanner.
4.3 Entering Traceability Data
If the machine is configured to request the input of traceability data
related to the welding, such as commission number and welder iden-
tification code, then the screens for entering these data are shown
before Display 4 appears (see Display 7). The same displays can be
accessed through a list that opens after the
cursor key was pressed.
The input of these data uses either the alphanumeric keypad (see
also the Info message in Section 4.2) and then they are confirmed by
pressing the START/SET key, or they are read from a transponder card.
4.4 Entering Pipe or Fitting Parameters
From the “open” position of the machine (see Sect. 4.1 and Display 4),
possibly after traceability data were entered, the parameters for the
components to be jointed are shown (see Display 8), which can be
confirmed or changed.
To confirm that the parameters on the display should be used for the
next welding, press the START/SET key, to change them, press STOP/
RESET to select the material of the parts to be welded (see Display 9)
or the cursor key
to enter the component diameter and wall thick-
ness (see Display 10). To select a material use the
keys and confirm your selection by pressing the START/SET key. The
machine then moves on to pipe diameter/wall thickness input screen
(see Display 10) as well.
It is possible to switch back and forth between the pipe material and
the diameter/wall thickness screen without making any changes, by
pressing the
The sub-menu that can be accessed at “Specialty Materials” allows the
selection of non-standard materials, which frequently are proprietary,
e.g., Wavin Safetech. As opposed to standard materials, specialties do
not allow the selection of all nominal pipe diameters or SDR values,
but only those that are actually available with that material. If a sep-
cialty material is selected, the diameter and the standard dimension
ratio (SDR) have to be entered in all cases, as they will not be applied
by the machine from the last completed welding operation.
The specialty material screens include a menu option “Stan-
dard Material” to enable returning to the screen in which
they were selected, the screen reproduced in Display 9.
Enter Welder Code
Display 7
bei ECO+ gilt für die Menüoption PT
100 Messung: Diese wird im Menü
zwar angezeigt, lässt sich aber nicht
ausschalten, d.h. es steht dauerhaft
auf „ein“.
Specialty Mater.-M-
Pipe Diameter:0250mm
Pipe Diameter:0250mm
Display 9
Display 10
Display 8