Sampling voltage / current sampling test method: Connect "input" signal base
2. Go to the first screen, press touch screen to enter "Select the length range of the
cable under test", and you should select item greater than the total length of the cable
under test. Press OK to enter the main test interface.
Select "Sampling Mode (touch cycle selection)," according to corresponding test
Low-voltage pulse test mode: Pulse
Multiple pulse/DC arc extension test mode: Multiple Pulse
Voltage sampling/current sampling test mode: High flashover
Select "Electric Wave Speed" according to media type of the cable under
test(You can touch cycle selection, which will show several commonly used wave
speed of cable, for example: for XLPE cables, you can choose "172m /μs"; If
"Electric Wave Speed" is not in these types, press "Settings" - "Speed setting" to
Magnitude knob can be placed on about one-third.
4. Press "Sampling" key to collect test waveform. The upper window shows the whole
picture of waveform area, and the lower shows the main waveform window area.
Press screen between the two waveform on the upper window, and the
instrument can automatically find the corresponding short-circuit waveform, which
can be displayed on the lower window together with open-circuit waveform when it’s
multiple pulses or DC arc delay test mode.
When it’s waveform comparison, multiple pulses, DC arc extension mode and
"Moves Selection" is "wave", you can use"↑" "↓" "←" "→" to align inflections of the
two waveform on the lower window.
If you think that the entire waveform baseline is inappropriate, press "↑" "↓"
keys to adjust(when it’s multiple pulses, DC delay arc mode, "Moves Selection" must