Run the Command...
Configure the analog
esc analog
IDs of user-defined alarms in the analog parameters: IDs 1-4
are reserved alarm IDs in the system (1: temperature; 2:
humidity; 3: voltage; 4: current), and IDs 5-20 are alarm IDs
allocated to other user-defined alarms by users.
Configure the digital
esc digital
IDs of user-defined alarms in the digital parameters: IDs 1-20
are reserved alarm IDs in the system (1: AC_voltage; 2:
AC_switch; 3: Battery_voltage; 4: Battery_fuse; 5:
Load_fuse; 6: Rectifier; 7: DC_power; 8: Cupboard_door; 9:
Room_door; 10: Window; 11: Theft; 12: Wiring; 13: Fan; 14:
Fire; 15: Fog; 16: Water; 17: Diesel; 18: Smell 19:
Air_conditioner; 20: SPD), and IDs 21-52 are alarm IDs
allocated to other user-defined alarms by users.
The following considers the configuration in the F02A cabinet as an example to describe the
process of configuring the environment monitoring parameters of the H303ESC board.
Log in to the UA5000 through the maintenance terminal and add an EMU.
emu add 0 H303ESC 0 30 rs232 H303ESC
Query the status of the H303ESC board.
display emu 0
EMU name : H303ESC
EMU type : H303ESC
Used or not : Used
EMU state : Normal
Frame ID : 0
Subnode : 30
COM port : RS232
Enter the H303ESC configuration mode and query the default analog and digital
interface emu 0
display esc system parameter
EMU ID: 0 ESC system parameter
FAN run mode: Auto Auto open temperature: 45 C Auto close temperature: 30
AnalogID Name AlmUpper AlmLower TestUpper TestLower Unit Type
0 Temperature 55 5 100 -27 C Voltage
1 Humidity 80 0 100 0 %R.H. Voltage
2 - 127 -128 127 -128 - Voltage
3 - 127 -128 127 -128 - Voltage
4 - 127 -128 127 -128 - Voltage
5 - 127 -128 127 -128 - Voltage
6 - 127 -128 127 -128 - Voltage
7 - 127 -128 127 -128 - Voltage
DigitalID Name Level |DigitalID Name Level
0 Wiring 1 | 1 Door0 0
UA5000 Universal Access Unit
Environment Monitoring
3 H303ESC Monitoring Solution
Issue 01 (2012-08-17)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.