AT Command Interface Specification
Issue 04 (2013-01-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
READ command
Command format:
The READ command is used to read the current value of the parameter.
TEST command
Command format:
If the MS cannot identify <name>, the information “ERROR” will be given. If the MS
can identify <name>, and the command carries no parameter, the information “ok” will
be returned. If the command carries parameters, the value range of each parameter
will be returned first, then “OK” will be returned.
Abort Attribute
Abort means the TE sends an instruction to interrupt a command being executed. The
“Abort” command must be issued before the command finishes execution, so it makes
sense only to the commands that require a certain time period for executing. However,
not all commands that require a certain time period for executing can be aborted,
depending on the abort attribute of the command. Each AT command has the abort
attribute. This attribute is a two-option choice. Namely, the command either supports
abort or does not support abort. The commands that support abort include some basic
commands and the SET command of action command. These commands do not
accept any abort request within 125ms after being issued. After the command has
been issued for 125ms but has not finish execution, if any character is received from
the TE, it will interrupt the execution of the command immediately.
The commands that support abort are as follows:
Can be aborted
Can be aborted except “AT+COPS=?”
AT^IPINIT Can be aborted
AT^IPOPEN Can be aborted
AT^IPSEND Can be aborted
AT^IPSENDEX Can be aborted
AT^IPCLOSE Can be aborted
17.2 Appendix 2 CME Error List
The following table lists the possible CME errors and reasons for all the interface command.
The code in the first row of the table represents the <err> value of CME ERROR. The numerals
in the table represent the sequence number of reasons. The table of correspondence between
CME ERROR and text string is attached later, together with detailed description on the reasons.