AT Command Interface Specification
Network Service Commands
Issue 04 (2013-01-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Defined Values
<alphax>: optional alphanumeric string associated with <numberx>; used character
set should be the one selected with command Select TE Character Set +CSCS.
<numberx>: string type phone number of format specified by <typex>.
<typex>: type of address octet in integer format (refer TS 24.008 subclause
0: Autobauding (automatic selection of the speed; this setting is possible in case of 3.1
kHz modem and non-transparent service).
1: 300 bps (V.21)
2: 1200 bps (V.22)
3: 1200/75 bps (V.23)
4: 2400 bps (V.22bis)
5: 2400 bps (V.26ter)
6: 4800 bps (V.32)
7: 9600 bps (V.32)
12: 9600 bps (V.34)
14: 14400 bps (V.34)
15: 19200 bps (V.34)
16: 28800 bps (V.34)
17: 33600 bps (V.34)
34: 1200 bps (V.120)
36: 2400 bps (V.120)
38: 4800 bps (V.120)
39: 9600 bps (V.120)
43: 14400 bps (V.120)
47: 19200 bps (V.120)
48: 28800 bps (V.120)
49: 38400 bps (V.120)
50: 48000 bps (V.120)
51: 56000 bps (V.120)
65: 300 bps (V.110)
66: 1200 bps (V.110)
68: 2400 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
70: 4800 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)