WenZhou ZhengBang Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd
ZB4050LS Rev 1.1
Fig.4-33 Visual Registration
According to the identification type corresponding to the component package selection, select the general
class if the type is unclear.5.Complete the edit of other feeders refer to the steps above.
Complete the rest feeder setting following previous instructions.
Point exchange pop-up dialog box enter the feeder serial number to be exchanged and press OK to realize the exchange
function of two feeder parameters.
Fig.4-34 Swap Feeder
Re-load is only used for the IC tray type component. After checking the reload, the total number of input components will
pop up in the dialog box, and then press the OK button to enable the reload function. After the reload is enabled, the total number of
components will be recounted and the total number will be re-loaded.