WenZhou ZhengBang Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd
ZB4050LS Rev 1.1
Fig.4-15 Compensation Angle
There is a gap between the guide rail and the PCB. After the board is loaded, the PCB angle cannot be
guaranteed to be completely correct. Therefore, the angle deviation compensation operation must be
performed after importing the CSV coordinate file. Otherwise, the position may be offset when mounting.
Component analysis
Click the “Analyze Components” to analyze the file data and display the data in the file list.
According to the component package setting, the model of the mounting nozzle (refer to the nozzle type corresponding to the package)
Fig.4-16 Component Analysis
Fig.4-17 Nozzle Edit
According to the feeder model corresponding to the component package setting, the corresponding feeder model identification method
is as shown below.