Configuring iLO 2 74
indicating that this action is occurring. The page is refreshed automatically every 10 seconds. After
the server reboots, the next page in the installation wizard displays again. If an error occurs during
the RAID reset process, the RAID Configuration page will redisplay with an indication of the error.
An error is most likely to occur if the server is in POST. If this is the case, exit any RBSU program you
are running, allow POST to complete, and try the operation again.
You can change the RAID level manually through RBSU. If the operating system is already installed,
changing the RAID level results in a loss of data.
Connect Virtual Media screen
This step of the installation wizard enables you to verify and accept the drive you will use during the
installation of the operating system. Under Settings, select the local drive and media type you intend to
use during operating system installation. Click
Launch Virtual Media
to launch the Virtual Media applet.
Ensure the operating system media is connected. In the Virtual Media applet, a green icon appears
next to the media currently selected.
Verify that the operating system media is in the appropriate local drive.
Accept security certificates as they appear.
After making your selection, click
to save your settings and continue. The virtual media applet
appears. After the applet is available, you can change the selected drive, or select other options not
available on the installation wizard page.
Install Software screen
This step of the installation wizard enables you to launch the Remote Console and install the operating
system. To start the operating system installation process:
Launch Software Installation
to launch the Remote Console. iLO 2 automatically initiates a
server power-on or reboot to start the operating system installation through the previously selected
virtual media.
Accept security certificates as they appear.
to complete the setup process.
iLO 2 diagnostic port configuration parameters
The iLO 2 Diagnostic Port on the front of ProLiant BL p-Class servers enables you to access and
troubleshoot server issues by using a diagnostic cable. The iLO 2 Diagnostic Port uses a static IP address.
It does not use DHCP to obtain an IP address, register with WINS or dynamic DNS, or use a gateway.
The diagnostic port cable should not be left plugged in without an active network connection because it
will cause degraded network performance on the standard iLO 2 network port.
In Network Settings, you can configure specific diagnostic port information. For more information on
using the diagnostic port and the diagnostic cable, see to the setup and installation guide for the blade
The following are the fields that can be configured for the Diagnostic Port:
Enable NIC
If Enable NIC is set to Yes, the diagnostic port is enabled.
Transceiver Speed Autoselect