Device Information
The common descriptive name of the XFM.
Product Name
The part number to be used when ordering an additional XFM of this type.
Part Number
The part number to be used when ordering a replacement XFM of this type.
Spare Part Number
The unique serial number of the XFM.
Serial Number
Manufacturing information about the XFM.
Engineering Date Code
The name of the company that manufactured the XFM.
Now configured firmware version on the XFM.
Complex Firmware Version
XFM Bay Virtual Buttons
XFM virtual buttons enables you to toggle the UID on the XFM of your choice from the Onboard
Administrator GUI.
Click the
Toggle On/Off
button to turn UID on the XFM on (blue) or off (gray) for easy identification
of the selected XFM.
GPSM bays
GPSM Bay Summary screen
In the Enclosure Information menu, the GPSM Bays category lists the Global Partition Services
modules within the selected enclosure within the complex. Selecting the GPSM bays menu item
directly opens the GPSM list with a grid that shows the status of each GPSM within the enclosure
and the UID status, Engineering Date Code, part number, and product name.
The check box in the first column on the top row toggles all checkboxes on or off for all GPSMs.
This feature is useful if you want to toggle the UID state for all GPSMs at the same time. Otherwise,
the first column contains checkboxes that can be used to select individual GPSMs. After the
GPSM bays