HobbyZone Super Cub • Instruction Manual
Range Test
Before each flying session, perform a range check. The DX4e incorporates a
range testing system. Range check mode decreases the output power from the
transmitter for control test purposes. Always perform a range check prior to flying
your aircraft.
: Before performing the range check make sure the transmitter throttle stick
is at 0% and that the throttle trim is at its lowest setting.
1. Power on the transmitter and model.
2. Make sure the model is restrained on the ground at least 30 paces (approx.
90 feet/28 meters) away from the transmitter.
3. Face the model with the transmitter in your normal flying position. Push and
hold the trainer button (A) while toggling the HI/LO Rate Switch (B) on the
transmitter 4 times. The LEDs will flash and the alarm will sound to show the
system is in range check mode.
: You must hold the trainer button during the entire range check
process. Releasing the button switch will exit the range check mode.
4. You should have total control of the model with the trainer button held at 30
paces (90 feet/28 meters). Move the controls and make sure the model oper
ates in response to control changes.
5. If control issues exist, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide. If more assistance
is needed, contact the appropriate Product Support Department. Refer to the
Spektrum DX4e manual for more information about transmitter operation.