HobbyZone Super Cub • Instruction Manual
Attach Tail
1. Put the posts of the rudder in the holes in the top of the horizontal stabilizer.
2. Put the rudder posts in 2 holes in the top of the fuselage tail.
3. Attach the rudder posts under the fuselage using 2 long screws from a small
bag labeled “C”.
Support the tail while installing the tail wheel to prevent damage to
the end of the fuselage.
4. Pull down a small amount on the tail wheel while pushing up the round plastic
housing until the wheel wire goes in the slot in the housing.
5. Push small white bushing on wire of tail wheel in round housing.
6. Connect linkage clevis to the outermost hole of the rudder control horn.
7. Connect linkage clevis to the outermost hole of the elevator control horn.
Please watch the DVD instructional video for more information.
Installing Clevises on Control Horns and Control Centering
Turn the clevis clockwise or counterclockwise on the linkage.
• Pull the tube from the clevis to the linkage.
• Carefully spread the clevis and put the clevis pin in a selected hole
in the control horn.
• Move the tube to hold the clevis on the control horn.
After binding a transmitter to model receiver, set trims to 0, then adjust clevises to
center control surfaces.