Direct Current (DC) -
Power that is stored in a battery bank or supplied by photovoltaics, alternator, chargers
and DC generators. Direct current is also known as battery power. Current only flows one way.
Drain Trap -
This is a curve that is in all drains. Water is trapped in the curve and this creates a barrier so
tank odors cannot escape through the drain.
Dry Camping -
Camping in the motorhome when there is no city water hook-up or shore power. In other
words, using only the water and power that is in the motorhome and not from another source.
Dump Station -
A site where the waste (grey) and sewage (black) tanks can be drained. In most states it is
illegal to drain waste tanks anywhere other than at a dump station.
Dump Valve -
Another name for the T-handle valve used to drain the sewage (black) and waste (grey) tanks.
Escape (Egress) Window -
The formal name for the emergency window located in the rear of the
motorhome. Egress windows can be easily identified by their red handles.
Full Hook-Up Site -
A campground that has city water, shore power and sewer hook-ups or connections
Grey Water -
Term associated with the waste water holding tank. Water from the sink drains and the shower
go into this tank.
House Battery -
Powers 12 Volt DC lights and accessories inside motorhome.
LED (Light Emitting Diode) -
Indicator light.
LLA (Liquid Lead Acid) Battery -
A type of battery that uses liquid as an electrolyte. Periodic maintenance
is required, such as cleaning the connections and checking the electrolyte level.
Low Point Drain -
The lowest point in the plumbing. Drains are placed here so that water will drain out of
the lower end of the motorhome. These drains must be closed when the water tank is filled.
Term for Original Equipment Manufacturer.
A unit for measuring electrical resistances.
Ohm’s Law -
Expresses the relationship between Volt (E), amperes (I) in an electrical circuit with resistance
(R). It can be expressed as follows: E = IR. If any two of the three values are known, the third value can be
calculated by using the above formula.
Potable Water -
Potable water is water that is safe to be ingested by humans.
Potentiometer -
A device for measuring an unknown potential difference or electromotive force.
Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge (psig) -
Pressure measured with respect to that of the atmosphere. This is a
pressure gauge reading in which the gauge is adjusted to read zero at the surrounding atmospheric pressure. It
is commonly called gauge pressure.
Roadside -
This refers to the side of the motorhome which faces the road when it is parked. Often called the
off-door side or the driver side.