Setting the Bias
This chapter covers setting the bias on the AN1819 evaluation board when installed in the Hardrock-500
amplifier support package. If you are using some other amplifier board these instructions are not applicable.
You should have successfully completed all sections of amplifier assembly. The bottom cover should be
installed and the top cover removed. The amplifier should be free from and test cables tools or debris. Plug the
amp in with a 14 gauge power cable, directly into a wall socket; do not use extension cords or outlet strips. The
performance of your amplifier depends highly on the quality of your AC supply, If the AC voltage sags, so will
the output power.
Step 1: Powering the Hardrock-500
– The first time you turn on the Hardrock-500, the displays will
remain blank for a few seconds then draw the home screens.
Step 2: Access the menu
– Touch the menu button on the right screen to bring up the menu.