Set the user environment
Results when print contents of
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0]
are printed in character orientation 1.
Output for a fixed time after printing is complete.
Output while the IJ printer is printing.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Columns with items with double width size 5 to 9 set are always printed right-justified.
This setting functions the same as reciprocating printing reverse direction printing
Format setup is free layout, it is printed as set the print items.
Print signal type (Optional on RX2-B)
Sets whether the IJ printer print output signal is made print.complete or print.-in-progress.
Print Data Changeover In Progress error
Sets whether to issue an error or not at print timing while Print data changeover is in progress.
Error is not issued when set value is "Disabled", setup of Print data recall or Character input are
modified and overlaps print timing.
If the print target sensor data is input before the print data changeover in communication is complete,
and error is not issued and the data prints before the changeover.
Aligns the print position along the right margin when printing line 2 and
subsequent lines.
(The print position is different for character orientation settings 0 and 2.)
Aligns the print position along the left margin when printing line 2 and
subsequent lines
(The print position is the same for character orientation settings 0 and 2.)
3 Reverse print
Set for the print position at character orientation 1 and 3 setting.
Specification of Print Data Changeover In Progress error
Set value of Print Data Changeover In Progress
Print format, Character input(*1),
Calendar condition, Print specification(*2),
Print data recall
No error and changeover
Fault” Print Data
Changeover In Progress”
Count condition, Character input
(Character data in count block)
Fault” Invalid Count Data Change Timing”
Adjust print parameters, Save message,
Count reset, Operation management,
Date/time setup(Current time)
No error and changeover
User environment setup, Date/time setup
(except current time), Communication
environment setup, Excitation V update,
Print specification(Speed compensation,
Speed compensation fine control)
Fault ”Invalid Data Change Timing”
When in Ready status, user pattern can not be saved to existing pattern number.
When in Ready status, the edit standard pattern function can not be run.
(*1) Except character data in count block.
(*2) Except Speed compensation and Speed compensation fine control.