Technical data
PROFINET IO Controller
Maximum number of PROFINET IO
Maximum number of total cyclic input
5712 bytes (including IOxS status bytes)
Maximum number of total cyclic output
5760 bytes (including IOxS status bytes)
Maximum number of cyclic input data
1440 bytes per device (= IOCR data length including IOxS status bytes)
Maximum number of cyclic output data 1440 bytes per device (= IOCR data length including IOxS status bytes)
Acyclic communication
Read/Write Record
Limited to 1392 bytes per telegram
Limited to 4096 bytes per request
Alarm processing
yes, but requires handling in host application program
Diagnostic data
One 200 byte buffer per IO device
DCP functions via API
Name Assignment IO-Devices (DCP SET NameOfStation)
Set IO-Devices IP (DCP SET IP)
Signal IO-Device (DCP SET SIGNAL)
Reset IO-Device to factory settings (DCP Reset FactorySettings)
Supported Protocols
RTC – Real Time Cyclic Protocol, Class 1
RTA – Real Time Acyclic Protocol
DCP – Discovery and configuration Protocol
CL-RPC – Connectionless Remote Procedure Call
Context management by CL-RPC
Minimum cycle time
1 ms
Different IO-Devices can be configured with different cycle times
Fast Startup of PROFINET IO Devices supported
Baud rate
100 MBit/s
Full-Duplex mode
Data transport layer
Ethernet II, IEEE 802.3
Configuration file
Maximum 1 MByte
RT over UDP not supported
Multicast communication not supported
DHCP is not supported (neither for PROFINET IO-Controller nor for the IO-
Only one IOCR per IO Device
NameOfStation of IO Controller CANNOT be set using the DCP SET
NameOfStation service but only at start-up while configuring the IO Controller
The buffer for IO-Device diagnosis data will be overwritten in case of multiple
diagnostic events. Only one (the last) event is stored at the same time. If a
single event produces more than 200 bytes of diagnosis data, only the first 200
bytes will be taken care of.
The usable (minimum) cycle time depends on the number of used IO Devices,
the number of used input and output data. The cycle-time, the number of
configured IO Devices and the amount of IO data depend on each other. For
example it is not possible due to performance reasons to have 128 IO Devices
communication with cycle-time 1ms.
The size of the bus configuration file is limited by the size of the RAM Disk (1
WriteMultiple-Record service is not supported
Reference to firmware/stack version
Table 54: Technical data PROFINET IO RT Controller
netHOST NHST-T100 | LAN controlled master devices
DOC130401UM05EN | Revision 5 | English | 2018-05 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2013 – 2018