Start-up behavior
After a return of power or device reset, the start-up behavior of the
netHOST device depends on whether at the time of power return an SD
memory card is inserted in the device or not.
Start-up without SD memory card
If no card is inserted at the time of power return or reset, the firmware and
configuration data (if available) stored remanently in the internal load
memory is loaded and started. This can take approximately four seconds,
depending on the size of the configuration data.
Start-up with inserted SD memory card
If an SD memory card containing a valid configuration is inserted in the
netHOST device at the time of power on, all data stored on the card is
copied to the internal load memory of the device.
This data can be:
configuration files
IP address
All old data stored in the load memory will be erased by this.
With this procedure, you can reset the device to its factory settings or load
the desired configuration without having to establish a LAN connection to
the SYCON.net configuration software. With the SD card, you can easily
“clone” a configuration and transfer it into another device, e. g. into a spare
device in case of a defective primary device.
With the SYCON.net configuration software, the data of the internal load
memory of the netHOST device can be copied to an empty SD memory
card. Note that the SD card must be FAT16 formatted, otherwise it will not
be recognized by the device.
Detailed instructions on how to transfer configuration data into
another netHOST device by SD memory card can be found in
Using SD Memory Card to Copy Configuration Data to
Spare netHOST Devices
in the operating instruction manual
Configuration of LAN controlled master devices
Resetting the netHOST device to its factory settings by using an SD
memory card (e. g. in case of a defective firmware) is described in the
subsequent chapter.
netHOST NHST-T100 | LAN controlled master devices
DOC130401UM05EN | Revision 5 | English | 2018-05 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2013 – 2018