existed at the time of the transfer of risk, it shall be at our discretion to
either repair the product or to deliver a replacement product, subject to
timely notification of defect.
The warranty obligation shall not apply if the notification of defect is not
asserted promptly, if the purchaser or third party has tampered with the
products, if the defect is the result of natural wear, was caused by
unfavorable operating conditions or is due to violations against our
operating regulations or against rules of good electrical engineering
practice, or if our request to return the defective object is not promptly
complied with.
Costs of support, maintenance, customization and product care
Please be advised that any subsequent improvement shall only be free of
charge if a defect is found. Any form of technical support, maintenance and
customization is not a warranty service, but instead shall be charged extra.
Additional guarantees
Although the hardware and software was developed and tested in-depth
with greatest care, Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH shall
not assume any guarantee for the suitability thereof for any purpose that
was not confirmed in writing. No guarantee can be granted whereby the
hardware and software satisfies your requirements, or the use of the
hardware and/or software is uninterruptable or the hardware and/or
software is fault-free.
It cannot be guaranteed that patents and/or ownership privileges have not
been infringed upon or violated or that the products are free from third-party
influence. No additional guarantees or promises shall be made as to
whether the product is market current, free from deficiency in title, or can be
integrated or is usable for specific purposes, unless such guarantees or
promises are required under existing law and cannot be restricted.
The customer hereby expressly acknowledges that this document contains
trade secrets, information protected by copyright and other patent and
ownership privileges as well as any related rights of Hilscher Gesellschaft
für Systemautomation mbH. The customer agrees to treat as confidential all
of the information made available to customer by Hilscher Gesellschaft für
Systemautomation mbH and rights, which were disclosed by Hilscher
Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH and that were made accessible as
well as the terms and conditions of this agreement itself.
The parties hereby agree to one another that the information that each
party receives from the other party respectively is and shall remain the
intellectual property of said other party, unless provided for otherwise in a
contractual agreement.
The customer must not allow any third party to become knowledgeable of
this expertise and shall only provide knowledge thereof to authorized users
as appropriate and necessary. Companies associated with the customer
shall not be deemed third parties. The customer must obligate authorized
netHOST NHST-T100 | LAN controlled master devices
DOC130401UM05EN | Revision 5 | English | 2018-05 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2013 – 2018