Multi Area Disarming – “All Areas”
Make your way to the VoiceNav through one of the designated entry / exit doors. When you are
detected entering, your VoiceNav will repeat a warning message for the duration of the entry delay
until a valid pin code is entered. Your sirens and communicator will activate at the end of the entry
delay time if a valid pin code is not entered. Away and Stay modes can be configured with different
entry delay times, ask your service provider for further details.
Note: Only the area where the delay entry time is running will be disarmed, all other armed areas will
remain armed.
VoiceNav User
Manual Hills Industries
® V0.3
Step How
Disarm all areas in a multi area system
Enter the premises through your designated entry door. If your security system has been
designed to detect your presence when making your way to the VoiceNav, a warning
message reminding you to turn off your security system will now commence. If your
presence is not detected, no warning message is announced, simply enter your 4 or 6 digit
user pin code at your VoiceNav.
If the status key and area light / lights are flashing red, your security system
was activated during your absence. Leave the building immediately and seek
Enter your code to turn off… enter your code to turn off… enter your code to
turn off… enter your code to turn off… enter your code to turn off
Enter your 4 or 6 digit user pin code
NOTE: Only the area where the delay entry time is running will be
disarmed, all other armed areas will remain armed
Area lights will stop being lit red, and will either now be lit solid green
indicating all zones in that area are secure, a flashing green area light
indicates all zones in that area are secure apart from forced armed zones.
Extinguished area lights indicate zones in that area are not secure.
Area Name
Area Number is off
The area that you have entered into is now disarmed, ONLY proceed
with steps 4 and 5 if you wish to disarm all other areas
Enter your 4 or 6 digit user pin code
To control an individual area touch the area number, to set all areas in the
away mode touch away, to set all areas in the stay mode touch stay, to turn
off all areas touch zero.
To turn off all areas
All areas are off, to control an individual area touch the area number, to set all
areas in the away mode touch away, to set all areas in the stay mode touch