ARB Approved IOM – Executive Orders VR-201-B and VR-202-B (Wayne Harmony WayneVac Dispenser)
Page 104
Healy Systems, Inc.
Website: http://www.healysystems.com
18 Hampshire Drive
Email: [email protected]
Hudson, New Hampshire 03051 USA
Telephone: 603.882.2472
ARB Approved Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual (November 2006) Fax: 603.882.5189
Healy Systems, Inc. – the innovative leader of Stage II vapor recovery equipment
This procedure describes the tools, methods and skill levels required to install a Healy
Systems, Inc. Model VP1000 Vapor Recovery pump in vapor ready Wayne Dresser Harmony
series gasoline dispensers. Only Healy trained and certified contractors will be able to perform
these retrofits or warranty will be void. The installer shall be a skilled petroleum technician and
thoroughly familiar with the requirements of State, Federal and local codes for installation and
repair of gasoline dispensing equipment. Also, they shall be aware of all the necessary safety
precautions and site safety requirements to assure a safe and trouble free installation. NOTE:
All electrical and hydraulic plumbing fittings referred to in these instructions must be UL
“listed” or “recognized” for the purpose.
2. SAFETY: Before installing the equipment, read, understand and follow:
The National Electrical Code (NFPA 70)
The Automotive and Marine Service Code (NFPA 30A)
Any national, state and local codes that may apply.
The failure to install the equipment in accordance with NFPA 30A and
70 may adversely affect the safe use and operation of the system.
Accurate, sound installations reduce service calls: Use experienced,
licensed contractors that practice accurate, safe installation
techniques. Careful installation provides a sound troubleshooting
framework for field repairs and can eliminate potential problems.
1. Read all instructions before beginning.
2. Follow all safety precautions:
Barricade the area.
Do not allow vehicles or unauthorized people in the area.
Do not smoke or allow open flames in the area.
Do not use power tools in the work area.
Wear eye protection during installation.
3. Use circuit breakers for multiple disconnects to turn off power and
prevent feedback from other dispensers.
Wayne-Dresser Harmony
series dispensers, all options except suffix “O”, non vapor
ready and Balance systems. The addition of the Healy Systems VP1000 to the Harmony