WARNING: Disconnect primary power prior to servicing.
Diamond Series™
Section 4 Theory of Operation
PA Module Detailed Circuit Description
Module Controller
The bit microprocessor U31 runs from a 23MHz clock generated by crystal Y1 and
related components. Input analog signals are clamped by line protector U39 at either
less than 0 VDC or greater than 5 VDC.
The Controller Area Network (CAN) interface consists of the CAN Controller U41 and
CAN Driver U40. Asynchronous communication is through RS485 driver U38. The
protocol is a Harris protocol and data rate is 9600 baud.
DC Switch Circuit Description
+32Vdc at E1 and E2 is applied to the drain of Q1 and Q2. When the FET_ON/OFF
command at U1-3 is logic high, comparator U1 output goes high. U1-7 and related
components form an oscillator when the input at pin 5 is high. The oscillator output is
rectified to 10 volts to supply the initial voltage to the gate of the pass MOSFET to
cause conduction. The source voltage is fed to the pallets through J1 and also is fed-
back through a charge pump consisting of CR3 and C10 which adds 10 volts to the 32
volt source voltage, this holds the pass FETs in saturated conduction mode, reducing the
voltage drop across it.
When the board is turned OFF by a logic Low at U1-3, comparator U1 output goes Low
and causes the pass FETs to turn OFF. Series 0.005 ohm resistors are for current
monitoring to each pallet and send current status back to the microprocessor through the
current sensors U4-U10. These amplifiers act as a differential amplifier. The output
from pin 8 is up to 1.5 ma, through the 3.01K ohm resistor creates up to 4.5 volts to
send to the multiplexer U13, proportional to the pallet current.
Fault Interrupt Request
Several signals will create a fast turn off of the module in 10 us for protection, these
signals are NOR’ed together at U30 to send the FAULT_IRQ signal to the