1003370 05/2016 V01
3. Installation
3.1 Notes for Installation
Qualified personnel
Installation must only be carried out by qualified electricians who have undergone instruction in the necessary
accident prevention measures.
During installation
be sure to avoid ...
– screws, cable residues or other foreign bodies dropping into the device;
– penetration of damp into the device.
Danger from electrical tension!
Danger to life!
– Never wire or disconnect electrical connections while they are live! Disconnect the device from the mains
supply (230/400/460/480 V AC) before working on it. Dangerously high voltages of ≥ 50 V may still be pre-
sent 10 minutes after the power is cut (capacitor charge). Work on the device only once the DC link voltage has
fallen below 50 V residual voltage (indicated by monitoring LED H1 and measured at terminals X1/L- and L+).
– Even if the device does not emit any visual or audible signals or show other indications, dangerous voltage
may be connected to the device (such as with mains voltage to terminal X3 switched on and no +24 V DC control
supply on X2)!
Installation of drive controllers is subject to the following basic rules:
Compliance with EMC product standard
Commissioning (i.e. starting intended operation) is only permitted when strictly complying with EMC product
standard EN 61800-3:2004. The installer/operator of a machine and/or item of plant must provide proof of compli-
ance with the protection targets stipulated in the standard.
Cable type
Use shielded mains, motor and signal cables with double copper braiding, providing 60 to 70 % coverage.
Cable laying
– Lay mains, motor and signal cables isolated from each other. Maintain a minimum clearance of 0.2 metres wher-
ever possible. They should not run in parallel. If crossovers are unavoidable, they should wherever possible be
configured perpendicular (at a 90° angle).
– Always route the motor cable without interruptions and by the shortest route out of the switch cabinet. If a
motor contactor is used, for example, the component should be directly mounted to the drive controller and the
shield of the motor cable should not be stripped too soon.
– As far as possible route signal cables into the switch cabinet from one side only.
– Cables of the same circuit must be twisted.
– Avoid unnecessary cable lengths and loops.
Grounding measures
The grounding measures of relevance to the drive controller are detailed in section 3.5 “Protective conductor
Do not strip the cable shields too soon, and lay them across wide areas both on the component and on the backing
plate and PE rail (main ground) of the backing plate.
External components
– Place larger consumers near the supply..
– Contactors, relays, solenoid valves (switched inductors) must be wired with fuses. The wiring must be directly-
connected to the respective coil.
– Switched inductors should be at least 0.2 metres away from process controlled assemblies.
Supplementary information can also be found in the relevant connection description. If you need more details on
installation please contact our Technical Support Service (see page 47).