Chapter 5 – Configuration
Hardy H6800 Series Application Controllers User Guide
5.5.3 Setting Tare/Zero Values
Home screen > Operation Menu > Setup > Tare/Zero
The Tare/Zero screen configures the auto-zero function, zero and auto zero tolerances, and
tare weight.
The value you enter allows you to avoid pushing the Tare button each time you weigh something.
Range: .000001 - 999999
Default: 0.0
Weight unit limit from zero that the application controller accepts as gross zero during the zeroing function
(when you push the Zero button).
Range: .000001 – 999999
Default: 10.0
Weight source to use as the set-point input.
Range: Net, Gross
Default: Gross
Auto Zero Settings
Auto Zero
Automates the zeroing function by setting the gross weight units to zero, using the current gross zero for
reference. When set to ON, and the motion is within tolerance and the value is within the Auto Zero
tolerance value, the application controller is automatically zeroed every few seconds until you turn off
Auto Zero. This does not override the Zero button. You can still press the Zero button to zero at any time;
however, Auto Zero is useful in applications where you zero a scale often and do not want to push the
Zero button each time.
Range: ON, OFF
Default: OFF
Auto Zero Tolerance
Used by the Auto Zero tracking feature.
Set this parameter smaller than the Zero Tolerance parameter. If this value is exceeded, you can press
the ZERO button and use its tolerance level. This resets the Auto Zero Tolerance and allows Auto Zero to
Range: .000001 – 999999
Default 10.0
Tare Settings
Tare Weight
The value you enter here allows you to avoid pushing the Tare button each time you weigh something.
Range: .000001 – 999999
Default 0.00
Motion Threshold
Zero Settings
Zero Tolerance
Sets the weight unit limit from zero the application controller will accept as gross zero during the zeroing
function (when you push the Zero button).
Range: .000001 – 999999
Default 10.0