40-pin layout with GPIO mappings for the Wiring Pi library
The above image illustrates simplified information on layout and
the designation of the 40 pins. Use the data sheet and this information
with caution when applying voltages to the pins, to ensure compliance
and prevent possible device damage.
The WiringPi library has been ported to work with C1. The chart
above illustrates the GPIO pin numbering translation scheme used in
the WiringPi library.
Tinkering project example
The image above shows a project example using the C1 and the
tinkering kit. Details can be found in the related wiki at http://bit.ly/1N-
srlU9. You can wire up the project to reflect the example.
Prior to trying out the example, you will need to build and install
the WiringPi library by running the following commands in a Terminal
Chapter 4